

Malerba D. (giugno 2024), “L’esperienza museale corre veloce grazie alle tecnologie emergenti”, MIT Technology Review Italia

Pisano P., Malerba D., Bettini T., Del Giudice M. (june 2024), Business amplification. Managing innovation through synthetic users, 19th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics - IFKAD 2024, Translating Knowledge into Innovation Dynamics, 12-14 june 2024, ISBN 978-88-96687-17-8, pp. 536-565

Iaia L., Pironti. M, Fait M., Del Giudice M. (june 2024), Discovering the Innovative Ecosystems: The Interplaying among Emerging Technologies, Actors and Relations to Innovate the Museum Experience, 19th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics - IFKAD 2024, Translating Knowledge into Innovation Dynamics, 12-14 june 2024

Pironti M., Iaia L., Albini M., Schiesari R., Emerging Technologies and Immersive Experiences to Foster Innovation in the Museum Sector: The 5G4C.A.P.10100 Case, International Conference on Software and E-Business (ICSEB-24), New York, USA on 13th - 14th August 2024.